
3 Common Types of Government Contracts – Pros, Cons, Risks

No doubt governmental contracts have been considered the best source of profit margins for any business. Due to these contracts, the recorded revenues for every vendor are always beyond expectations. But before signing a governmental contract, it is very important to look after the pros and cons of it.

The following article also discusses the same.

1. What Is a Government Contract?

A particular agreement that is signed between the government parties (Federal state, local government, etc.) and an individual or private company is called a governmental contract.

This agreement contains important rules and regulations under which the individual or company will provide goods to the government. To regulate the smooth analysis of the contract, different companies prefer govcon management software. This software helps both parties manage projects, contracts, and operations related to them.

2. Types of Government Contracts:

The following are the most common types of government contracts:

2.1. Cost Plus Contract:

According to this contract, you have to fulfill the requirements of the government. In return, the government authority pays for all the costs used as investment plus offers a handsome profit percentage.

These types of contracts are primarily used in construction for projects where the owner reduces some of the contractor’s risk related to expenses, thereby providing the contractor with a degree of flexibility.


  • Good for contractors because they are guaranteed the profit percentage.
  • This contract allows to alter the scope of the project without affecting the profit margin of the contractor.
  • The owner of the project has a clear understanding of the project investment.


  • The owner has to bear the cost overrun risks, which can lead to increased expenses if management is not done properly.
  • When it comes to controlling costs, the contractors receive less incentive. This is because they are guaranteed to be reimbursed.
  • This contract can be very difficult to manage.

2.2 Fixed Price Contract:

Under the rules defined in this contract, the government pays a predetermined amount of profit to the contractor.

If both parties use some kind of govcon software, this predetermined amount is also stored and kept consistent in the software. This way, the record remains safe for always and no problem occurs.


  • As the profit margin is predetermined, the owner always knows about what they will get at the end of every month.
  • Contractors can manage costs efficiently as this contract lets them bear the risk of cost overruns.
  • The contract is free of any misunderstanding. If won through govcom management software, the misunderstanding even becomes less in percentage.


  • As the overrun costs are borne by the contractor, it can put them in trouble in case unforeseen challenges arise.
  • If both parties agree on introducing changes in the contract terms, it can be very costly.
  • If the contractor cuts corners to reduce costs, it could lead to lower-quality deliverables.
  • As profit is fixed, the contractor is less likely to be interested in any change or additional struggle.

2.3. Labor Hour Contract:

As the name suggests, the contractor receives compensation based on the hourly rate and for the amount of work done within the contract timeframe.


  • The contractor can adjust the working hours of the project as per their flexibility.
  • The contractor 100% receives payment for the work they do.
  • The billing process is pretty simple. Even some individuals or companies prefer govcon management software to manage the expenses and payouts of their contracts. This is done to avoid any problems.


  • Costs can be inflated due to the risk of contractor padding.
  • As the hourly rate is fixed for the contractor by both parties, the incentive percentage is relatively less.
  • When it comes to calculating the final costs of the project, it can be tricky and cumbersome due to the labor hours, especially if the scope of the project changes.
  • If it takes more than the expected time for the project to complete, the total costs can be increased with respect to what was offered in the beginning.

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Related Queries:

What is a govcon software?

This is a special software that is used by the government and private companies/businesses to effectively look after and run operations under the flag of a project.

What are the salient features of govcon contract management softwares?

The following are the key features of a govcon software:

  • Mitigating risks through performance monitoring and dispute resolution.
  • Handling financial aspects like cost tracking and billing.
  • Ensuring compliance with FAR/DFAR.
  • Managing contract lifecycle from creation to renewal.
  • Integrating with other systems for efficient data flow.
  • Enhancing collaboration among stakeholders.

Why is government contracting important?

If a business is small, then the governmental contract can provide a predictable and stable source of income for the contractors. This is very crucial during times of economic uncertainty.

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